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A new normal..

Something a bit different today! Enjoy...

From early mornings racing around, 2 sips of coffee.. the rest never to be found.

Uniform lost where has it gone? "The hungry washing machine" shouts mum,

"we need a new one!"

Scoffing down breakfast, no time to digest, it's only 8 am and i already need a rest!

Toothpaste dribbled down jumpers and splashed up the mirror, an ongoing battle with the glass never getting clearer.

Life flying by where have the years gone? My oldest is 9, but wait she was only just one!

A few hours in the evening, quality time was rare, long gone are the dolls,teddies and toys it's all tablets, make up and hair.

I watched your grades suffer but your mental health more, sorry formal education system it's time to show you the door.

Let's celebrate our new normal, long cuddles when we wake, no rushing around for us anymore, in fact let's take a break.

Creative learning here, no judgement with me, take a deep breath and count one, two, three.

Stranger's passing by with judgemental frowning looks, you shouldn't be out exploring.. get back to school behind the books!

We are creating our new normal, yes i know what i'm doing, no i haven't lost my mind. Weighing up the pros and cons, but the cons i cannot find.

Opportunities and learning is everywhere their skills are building up, employers are excited about such an educated grown up.

So now i'll end this poem, i hope you enjoyed it too. I'll watch my children flourish through life maybe you should try it too?

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