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It's all about spreading love right?

What is your purpose? Did something pop straight up along with that fire of passion from within or did you sit there thinking.. whoa Jess, hang on a minute I haven't ever even thought about this!



After reading this quote, has it cemented in your body what you already knew or are you still sat thinking..I have absolutely no idea.

Growing up I wanted to be one of 2 things, a writer or a teacher. I struggled going through with studying to teach because I saw the education system as outdated and wasn't there to benefit children or our society. It was there to create worker bees who behaved, did as they were told and were far too busy spending all their time wrapped up in daily life, to stop and take a minute and see that there is so much more to this life then they let you believe.

Aside from all that, my heart always led me to working with children. I volunteered in parent groups to help out at school, worked in a nursery, all fulfilling in their own way but still there was something missing. My heart always said I wanted to make a difference to children and their personal journeys, but how could I add to everything they already had?


I know, I know I talk about me finding spirituality a lot , however it has truly been life changing in the most amazing and positive way. It led me to bringing my passion to the surface and realising just what that 'thing' that kept niggling away at me was. Now let me say, I'm not stating you are here to save the world. But by living your life, working on yourself and spreading love through your purpose you are doing your bit to contribute to something amazing. Just imagine if we all did that. lived our lives loving ourselves fully and respecting each other on our own individual journeys. The difference would be astonishing. When it comes down to it, it's all about love.


So, today I spent time in my older children's school. We did some baking for the cake sale that they were holding later in the day. For the first time in a long time, I spent the whole time where no thought from outside of that room entered my head. My everything was fully immersed in what I was doing, i felt pure bliss talking to these tiny souls about anything and everything was getting stuck in with the task at hand, and that right there confirmed that I was walking down the right path, down MY path. I came out after and had a grin from ear to ear. That is how I want to live my passion, with that grin, that blissful feeling of doing what I love and empowering little souls as I go along.


J xXx

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