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Why I follow my intuition.

Today whilst painting my toilet, feeling full of energy and ready to tackle another room that needed freshening up in my home, I was hit by another ( see told you I feel this all the time for various different reasons) feeling of guilt. I had spent 2 solid days working my butt off on my blog, my business and various different social media platforms that are linked to it, that my house was being abandoned.


Within the space of a few seconds, I had already decided to follow my intuition and carry on painting, which happily lead onto a full blown conversation in my head with myself about writing this  for my blog this evening.


Now I am a highly intuitive person, I pretty much live off my intuition 90% of the time, but I am also a person of order and sometimes reasoning, which can create quite a few awkward moments in my head and within my self talk.


Intuition is amazing, it helps me every single day to live my life in the most enjoyable, loving way. It's what keeps me staying true to myself in situations that if I had put too much thought into would have taken me very much off my path. 


 For years, I tried to fit into jobs, social circles, relationships all which didn't serve me or my highest good. One relationship was many years filled with abuse and even though my intuition was screaming Jess it's time to leave!! One job I worked through my pregnancy with Summer (my oldest) and spent most days fainting, again I didn't leave. I stuck with friends who's only interest was themselves and not how their actions would have consequences on others.. still stuck by people..( I have some fierce loyalty in me). However, going through all of this resulted in me loosing my identity. Living your life for everyone else and their happiness is a scary place to be. It's also an extremely tiring and lonely place to live.


Around the age of Jackson being 3, I took it upon myself to leave the relationship I was in and start living for myself again. Finding myself took years and now that Jackson is 8 I am finally starting to get in tune with my soul. My intuition made it so uncomfortable for me to not start exploring my truth that I had no choice.


This is why I now follow my intuition, and always release the feeling of guilt whenever it pops up to try and stop me in my tracks. I trust in the flow of my life and know that everything I am feeling and wanting to at upon when following my intuition is for my highest good even if it doesn't make sense at the time.

                            J xXx

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