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Today I want to talk to you about leadership. Starting up my own business has meant I have taken on the role of being a leader. I wanted to sit the other night and think about what being a leader meant to me. What does it entail? What type of leader would I like to be? All valid questions, all very much needed to make sure I have a happy work force. Here are my thoughts!


 So what does being a leader mean to me? To be in charge? Yes! To run a dictatorship? No! There is a fine line to walk being a leader that everyone loves but also respects.  To have the ability to take myself to a centred place when a situation arises that needs a level and clear head. To give everyone an equal opportunity to feel heard. This also means taking on board and putting into motion ideas from others within the company.


Something else that played on my mind was respect. How would I gain the respect of those I employed? Then I remembered the way we live in my house. I give my children respect and they give the same back to me. It is a 2 way street and I believe that is something we can take along with us throughout all walks of life. You don't always have to agree with everything others say, do or feel, but you can respect where they are at or where they are coming from because to them that the is truth in that moment.


 I feel like in some parts of society we are living in the stone ages! We need new ways of thinking, new ways of running business's, we need a total revamp! The change starts with each and every one of us. We all need to look at our own truth, our own passion and start using our voices, our creativeness, our writings, our art, our talents and skills to create the new.


On my Instagram is a video of me talking about my passion, working with children to create a new norm for them. To equip them with their own set of tools to create a new generation of leaders who have a new way of thinking, a new way of doing. Take a peek and enjoy.

                          J xXx

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