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To live like a child..

Having a conversation with my daughter earlier triggered a thought within me that i couldn't pass up the opportunity to write about. 

The one thing i kept stumbling upon when finding myself again through spirituality was letting my inner child inspire me and live through me and my choices as an adult. 

We seem to hit a certain age and get so serious about life and i believe this is when we start to live more from a place of fear. We worry about what people will think/say about our choices. 

Now don't get me wrong there are deffinately times, places and situations where a more mature attitude is deffinately needed, but what about them more simple ones? For example, i started blogging last year, wrote a couple of posts but then stopped because i was fearing what people would think. Would i be good enough? Would people even enjoy what i'm writing? 

I can honestly say starting back up again this year was a choice i made out of love for myself. I thought back to my childhood and English reading and writing was my favourite subject. I wrote in countless diaries, read book after book. This was one of my favourite things to do as a child so why not bring that love back into my life now? 

So my advice? Keep it simple! As my daughter reminded me earlier when i tried to explain how a situation wasn't that simple.. she reminded me it really can be that simple if you let it be! Don't take on board the what if's, but's, how's. Make the decision and let the universe sort out the details! When you make that choice from a place of love, the universe will have your back. It WILL catch you when you take that leap of faith!

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