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Just around the corner...

For me there is NO better feeling then giving freely, especially when you know that it will benefit that person in an unimaginable way.

I give myself to everyone who needs me, this of course is a blessing but for a long time has come at a cost of my own personal love. I have given and given without a second thought to how much I am putting in my own cup, because of course without filling my own cup full of love, how can I give to others? I have been left feeling physically and emotionally drained going through life carrying people from one leg of their journey to their next destination. I have given countless amounts of money to charities, homeless people in the street, anyone who has needed it they have received it! My time has been stretched to it's limits to keep everyone else happy, feeling loved and knowing that they always have someone who is there and who cares. This is all done from a place of love, a place that is true to my heart, a place where I lead my life from, a place of freedom because love is freedom.

My purpose in life is to heal the world using my talents, I don't want to go deeply into these but my strongest is being empathic and having a strong intuition. To me, being an empath means looking into your eyes, but seeing far beyond them, listening to your words but hearing all the hidden truths that you don't want to directly say, picking up on your energy that is screaming what you are really feeling!! Instead you hide behind a mask that society has told you to wear, so you can act a certain way, think a certain way, dress, talk, walk, believe, live a certain way!!! Being an empath means I get to see the REAL you and not the human that is playing along nicely in the 3D matrix that we have lived in lifetime after lifetime.

After much healing, learning and hours spent looking within I have found that being me means I can light up for people and show them how life doesn't have to be that way. Leading by example rather then carrying everyone and their load with me. This way I get to heal humanity, but I also stay aligned with my true self without taking on everyone's issues and get left feeling like I have nothing left for myself.

I am at a place in life where I am about to turn a corner, I can see the beautiful light of my next phase seeping around it, as I approach slowly, I see the light getting bigger, brighter and spreading further out. I am ready for what lies ahead no matter the challenge that arrives in front of me. I am strong yet sensitive, full of wisdom yet still have masses yet to learn.... this is my journey and it's only just beginning!


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