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My spiritual awakening

It has been a fair while since i have blogged on here. To be completely honest i got to the point of giving up hope and feeling like i was wasting my time, so i diverted my attention back to my "normal" life. 

Trying to live a 9-5 ( or any other hour/work ratio ) isn't fullfilling for most, you spend your whole life working to survive and surviving to work. A merry go round of slave labour to pay your money straight back into the hands of those who couldn't care less about youe well being, only what money you can earn for them. Forgive me if i sound harsh, or bitter (i promise you i'm not, just bare with me here...) 

We live by these rules and laws which in the worlds current state need to be implemented because people live through fear, false hope, greed and envy of others. The world is in a toxic state where people stay asleep in their own little bubble because to wake up and face reality then to choose to turn your back against the "system" is just far too much to act upon, not to even mention think about!! 

The truth is just over a month ago, i found myself sat in this pure toxic fear of our world.. worried about ww3 starting. We had made plans to flee to my sisters if it came about and there we would all survive together until whichever ended first... us or the war. Then along came a lady whom i don't want to mention her name, but she gave me some facts and told me to go and have a look and see for myself that what was being shown across social media platforms was infact incorrect and full or fear mongering false reports that were here to serve 1 purpose only... to keep us scared and in check with the "elite" and their agenda. 

If you are still here and still reading this, thank you! 

So i checked out this info that she gave me and i INSTANTLY knew this was it... this stuff was real and it was all happening. The elite were being taken down behind the scenes, a world of peace had been agreed upon by all leaders and we were on the way to the new age! Hurray!!! That feeling of wracked guilt instantly left my body, i could look at my children in the eyes and know that their future would be bright, full of happiness and full of love. 

This is how i found myself in the depth of spirituality and boy is it an amazing place to be. The place of finding your inner happiness, love, peace and life journey. There is no right or wrong way, we all take different paths and advance at different times, that is the most beautiful part! From that day on the colours of the world started to pop, they seemed brighter, the burden of life started to slowly lift off my shoulders and i began to feel lighter. My taste in food changed and i started taking a more positive stance on my health and well being. 

Now don't get me wrong i have had moments where i have sat and struggled with the thoughts in my head, with aspects of meditation and with judging others on their journey, but what i have also come to learn is that by trying to hold on and control situations/emotions/people it sends you in the wrong direction! What will be will be and i should enjoy the now, because yesterday has gone and tomorrow hasn't even happened yet! Don't waste your life worrying about the future or you will never enjoy the now. 

We are divine beings and we have alot more going for us then what we have ever been informed. We can make our dreams a reality, i am slowly getting there, learning more about myself then ever before and i LOVE it! It takes time and finding that inner happiness after spending your whole life living for everyone else's happiness isn't easy to do! 

Now i understand some people won't agree with me or just aren't ready to face the truth and that is ok too. I am not here to force my views on life on anyone else. I just want to spread the message that you are loved and you are something amazing. ♡

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