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Gender appropriate toys... are we living in the dark age??

Finally!! The evening has arrived, the kids are tucked up in bed which means one thing, time to flake out on the sofa with a cup of tea ( because i'm a hardcore rebel). Whilst scrolling through some posts on a group on social media, I came across another mum in need of some advice. Her husband had told her their son wasn't allowed a pram for his birthday as it will turn him gay. 

Now last time I checked prams do not decide anyones sexual orientation! In situation's like this I like to keep open minded when offering any advice, not everyone has been brought up to be so understanding about these things, so this is not their norm.

I replied with an example close to home, my son Jackson. He being the middle child of 2 girls has grown up with loads of "girly" toys. His older sister Summer, used him as her personal real life walking, talking doll and dressed him up in princess dresses.. the works! In turn i believe Jackson became an amazing big brother to Bella. He knew how to play with the babies, the prams, dolls etc and she now spends hours every week playing with him. My next point to this lady was that he is also very much still one of the boys if you will, he loves infact no adores football ( number 1 Chelsea fan) and still loves playing with his superheroes!! 

Now it would be unfair of me to not flip this around.. my youngest Bella LOVES LOVES LOVES trains and cars. She has playsets with both ( thankfully i don't think she will turn gay overnight). 

We as a society need to be more accepting of our children. We need to realise we are in 2017 and they deserve the right to play with what they find fun, exciting and interesting, something that makes them happy without being judged for doing so. They are the next generation of adults and I would like to think that we have a chance of bringing them up to be open minded and accepting. These children will one day be mothers, fathers, uncles, aunties, doctors, nurses... the list goes on. Let them practice playing their interests now, let them be happy being themsleves. 

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